(general section)
physical preparation occupied there can be difficulties in selection of
exercises and independent planning of trainings. In such cases it is possible
to take advantage already of known programs of training, taking into account
only features of the body build and level of training.
The program pays off for one year and everyone consists of four stages by duration about three months. To begin trainings it is best in September. The first stage it is necessary to devote to development of general and power persistence, that is to frame a functional basis for the further development of force and escalating of muscular mass. At this stage per first two months of exercise with burdenings it is necessary to repeat till 12-15 of time. On the third month the contents of trainings variates at the expense of use of exercises with a bar and weights a little. Thus each exercise is necessary for repeating in two approaches till 10-12 of time. At this time it is very important to accustom itself on mornings to do physical exercises. Per days, when the power trainings will be carried out, in the contents of training should be included only mild training and exercises on extension. For those whom such load will appear not on forces to, it is possible to not do morning training. It is necessary to devote days, when there is no power trainings, to development or maintenance of general (aerobic) persistence and flexibility. At the same time, these; the additional trainings should not be wearisome. Therefore, it is very important to conduct a diary of trainings, in which it is necessary to write down not only contents and volume of the carried out work, but also state of health, work capacity and т. д. If you can not conduct morning training, try in the morning or evening of a house to carry out a complex of exercises on flexibility. At the second stage the power load even more grows. Direction of this stage - development of power of muscles with a simultaneous accretion of their mass. Each exercise in complexes is necessary, as the previous month to carry out in one - two approaches. But the quantity of repetitions in the approaches from one month per one month variates with the count of features of your body build. On the fourth month each exercise of complexes repeat in one approach till 5-6 times, on the fifth month - already in two approaches. Last month of the second stage in the first approach each exercise repeat till 5 times, in second - 9 times. The exception is compounded by exercises on a prelum abdominale: these exercises should be repeated till 15-30 of time. Do not neglect exercises on flexibility, otherwise it is possible; an enslavement; muscles and downstroke of their opportunities. The third stage should be devoted to escalating of muscular mass with simultaneous further development of their force. Each exercise of complexes repeat in three approaches till 8-10 of time, gradually enlarging weights burdening. Exercises for development of muscles of a forearm repeat till 12-15 of time, for a prelum abdominale without burdening - till 30-50 of time and, at last, with burdening - till 15-20 of time. At last, fourth stage first two month are directed on development of the maximal force of muscles, and third month - on corrective power preparation. At this time you should concentrate the attention on bunches, lagging behind or difficultly yielding to a training, of muscles. If the year has appeared for you very much intense, the relaying on common educing work with stress on development of common (aerobic) persistence, accuracy and speed of locomotions is possible. It as though; contrast, in comparison with all previous, training. At the same time, it allows faster to restore an organism from previous power loads, raises emotionality of trainings and promotes conservation of desire to the further athletic trainings. |