Alexander Eremenko: «Kyokushin - is one big family»

From 3 to 5 June, in Barcelona, Spain was held the «Spanish Summer Camp 2016» an international summer camp of IKO. The event was organized by Shihan Daniel Lorente and he invited as instructors world-class fighters. Even in social networks the camp was named as «Alejandro Navarro and friends: Darmen Sadvakasov, Alexander Eremenko and Djema Belkhodja». (англоязычная версия статьи Александр Ерёменко: «Киокушин – это одна большая семья!»).

Immediately after a trip to Barcelona, his impressions share with us Senpai Alexander Eremenko.

We often hear the sentences: «Kyokushin - is one big family», but only few people really think deeply about these words and understand their meaning. For many Kyokushin - is just physical education for someone is professional sport, for someone its only eastern philosophy, for someone - promotion, well and for some people it is even just business. Only after years of practice, yielding a hundred percent every day, you know how true this words is - «Kyokushin - is a family».

Personally, I had come to this, and fully felt the Kyokushin brings people together, regardless of the material status, social status, nationality and place of residence. Yes, we live with it. We are not fighting only on the tatami. We have common goals and a common understanding of life. We talk, there is always a subject for conversation, we do not prevent even the language barrier, we are friends and we are always ready to help each other. Although Kyokushin in his nature and traditions - the Japanese, he has gone long beyond the borders of Japan, has spread around the world, and got into our hearts and united us all in one big fist.

Of course, this feeling of solidarity and unity is not for all. True happiness - to know «brotherhood of Kyokushin». Honestly - titles, tournaments, awards and trophies do not matter.

So I was pleasantly surprised when my good Spanish friend, my idol in the past and opponent on the tatami, Alejandro Navarro invited me to Barcelona. Not only me, but the other two of our fellow-men: Darmen Sadvakasov and Djema Belkhodja - to participate as instructors in the International Summer Camp that has been organized by Shihan Daniel Lorente.

At that time, me and Maria Kudryavtseva had the summer training camp on the Volga with our dojos. But I have no hesitation to trust my dojo students under the guidance of Masha and flew to friends in Spain.

What I was expecting - the reception was very friendly, without any tension or tightness, it was more like «cousinly». And, of course, we had some free time to enjoy Spanish traditions, cuisine, beautiful sonorous language, and sights of the Mediterranean Sea. On the first day we visited the famous stadium of the football club «Barcelona», although I am not a football fan, impressions was great. On the second day, Alejandro and Kseniya Zasorina gave us a city tour: Barceloneta, bright streets, bullfighting stadium, and, of course, the famous Sagrada Familia, Gaudi. I noticed the fact and I was very happy that in a big city, the capital of Catalonia, almost every person knows Alejandro Navarro, relates with great respect for him and his friends.

Without exaggeration and boasting I can say that we «Rock» the camp! And if I was not a professional fighter, but just a beginner of karate, I would give a lot just to attend at these training camp even as just a spectator! Each training we begin with a warm up with an interesting physical trainings which was held by Alejandro Navarro. Then, one by one half - hour training conducted Darmen, Djema and me. We showed the technical and functional developments. And you know, we came to the conclusion that no matter where we practiced and lived, we are still students of our home schools. As there is proverb - «Do not forget your roots».

As a coach it was easy and comfortable for me to share information it was like at home with my students. At the end of each training, I could not say anything but «I love you! I like you!», And the audience responded very kindly, with laugh and applause. Actually sometimes the language barrier led us to funny situations. The guys from France asked what the meaning of «chut'-chut'» and karateka from Fuerteventura seriously was interested what means «raz-raz». Cheerful guys, sociable, they told me, «Sasha, como es kambyado!», Which literally translates from Spanish, "How you've changed, Sasha.»

Generally, in our camp was friendly, warm and cheerful atmosphere. Of course, to work in collective like this was a pleasure. And I wished to all to maintain the same atmosphere in their dojos - when kindness, laugh, understanding mates, the wish to train and stay in karate forever.

Very interesting Kyu and Dan tests were held during the camp. Every day were tests as «technical part» - Kihon, Ido, Kata, tamesivari. A «Kumite» part was the last and final day. Personally, I had three fights with son of Shihan Daniel Lorente - Pol. As I explained after, I am not a killer and did not want to murderer him, but he had to experience for himself the fighting, and to be worthy of his belt, not because of his family roots. So, bruises on his arms and legs for some time will remind him about the test . But his second dan, he deserves honestly with pride.

Great help with the translation provided to us Ksenia Zasorina. Translator - is good, and at all international camps they are translators. But its not easy to translate right the terminology,and to convey the meaning of phrases that can be said only in Russian - not everyone can do. In each training session and outside of the camp Ksenia translated every word of ours. We even agreed that if our «unreal team» will be invited for a world tour, Ksenia certainly will go with us.

Vice-champion of the 11th World Open Karate Tournament Djema Belkhodja arrived to the camp with a reporter of «Karate Bushido» French the world-famous martial arts magazine. So, I think, in the next issue we will see an interesting article about the Spanish camp.

Taking advantage of this unique opportunity, that I am in Spain, I met informally, outside of our camp, with the famous fighter Jonathan Tineo and Daniel Sanchez. Do not get me wrong, but my motto - sport out of politics. We are all brothers in karate, regardless of the organization.

To leave a warm welcoming Barcelona I didn't want until the last minute. All last day we just laid on the beach, talked to each other. Our «Four» was crossed many times in tournaments, we were enemies on the tatami. But despite all this we are the closest friends.

Alejandro Navarro - is a person who will not let be bored anyone around him, he is the real soul of any company. It seems that his every word is permeated with kindness and a joke, in a good way. Whatever he was saying at the training camp, it was certainly accompanied by a burst of laughter of the Spanish public.

Alejandro and Ksenia they didn't leave us from the first to the last day of the camp. Even they slept only two hours, they joked, laughed and lifted us up. True friends!

Shihan Daniel Lorente! Thank you so much for inviting me to thes wonderful camp, Thanks for great hospitality.

For assistance in organizing my trip I want to thank to Shihan Alexander Ipatov, without him my participation in this camp would not be possible.

Leaving Spain, watching my friends accompany me right up to the runway, I understand the essence of this words, which I mentioned at the beginning. We are Family.

I do not regret that in 1995 I began to practice Kyokushin. Before then I could not imagine that now I will have good friends around the world! I can only advise parents in deciding what sport to choose for your child - choose Kyokushin Karate. What I am saying it's not as a commercial, so we have plenty of «adepts». I just really do not know of a similar sports with same spirit as Kyokushin. This is not just a sport. It is a method of forming a person with a capital letter. Kyokushin teaches us not just to win the competitions. Kyokushin teaches us to overcome any difficulties in life. Kyokushin is unity, solidarity, team, family! It's life!


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