Шиханы Юрий Шабанов и Леонид Илюшкин вошли в совет директоров WFKO
Время идти дальше.
В мае 2020 года пройдет 1-й Чемпионат мира по полноконтактному каратэ (The 1st World Fullcontact Karate Championship).
Официально объявлено о создании WFKO (World Fullcontact Karate Organization / Всемирная организация полноконтактного каратэ), с штаб-квартирой в США.
Президентом организации избран Кендзи Мидори. Вице-президенты - Хиденори Ашихара и Коэн Шарренберг.

Сформирован совет директоров, в который на данный момент входят 26 представителей контактных единоборств со всего мира. От России в совет директоров WFKO выбраны шиханы Юрий Шабанов и Леонид Илюшкин.
Шихан Леонид Илюшкин подтвердил данную информацию и предположил, что от России может появится еще один представитель из другой организации, также представляющей WFKO в России. (Возможно из Ашихара каратэ - прим.автора)
Оригинал сообщения пресс-службы JFKO
As the JFKO, we have continued our efforts to prepare for the 1st World Fullcontact Karate Championship that will be held in May 2020, and at the same time, have taken steps to prepare for the founding of the WFKO (World Fullcontact Karate Organization), as the international federation of the Full Contact Karate competition, which will hold the above-mentioned event.
In the founding process of the WFKO, Japan and JFKO, as the leaders of this movement, have taken the main role, in coordination with the leaders of the main international federations of practical technique that are in support of establishing the WFKO, in deciding and selecting the main foundation of the organization, such as the board members and regulations.
The WFKO Board Members (term: 4 years) of the founding period have been decided at the JFKO Board Meeting held on January 18. In addition, the key officials of this period have been decided by a mutual election at the WFKO Japan Region Board Meeting held on March 15, and we wish to report to you the following content.
Japan (10)
Kenji Midori
Hidenori Ashihara
Masahiko Watanabe
Isao Kobayashi
Kazuo Miyoshi
Toshikazu Sakai
Masahiro Kaneko
Masaaki Satake
Norichika Tsukamoto
Yasukazu Koi
Europe (7)
Koen Scharrenberg
Romas Vitkauskas
Remigiusz Karpinski
Martin Michel
Koen Spitaels
Ashihara Kaikan 2 members *under confirmation
Russia (2)
Yuriy Shabanov / Юрий Шабанов
Leonid Ilyushkin / Леонид Илюшкин
Asia (2)
J.B. Sujoto
Kairtay Sarmanov
Africa (1)
Isaac Mashinini
Middle East (1)
Hachem Makki
South Pacific (1)
Peter Volke
North America (0)
WFKO Headquarters
Central America (1)
Antonio Gonzalez
South America (1)
Denivaldo Carvalho
President: Kenji Midori
Vice President: Hidenori Ashihara, Koen Scharrenberg
Executive Director: Isao Kobayashi
General Secretary: Yasukazu Koi
JFKO Public Relations